
Are Your Workers Immune?

August is National Immunization Awareness Month, so take the opportunity to let your workers know that vaccinations aren’t just for kids. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) there are several reasons for adults to be vaccinated: They weren’t vaccinated as children. New vaccines are now available. Their immunity has faded with […]

Healthy Workers, Healthy Workplace

Seven out of 10 deaths are due to preventable causes. Workplace wellness programs help prevent the preventable and keep workers healthy and productive. Employee wellness has come a long way since L.L. Bean opened its first fitness center in 1982. A big leap came in 2000 when the state of Maine began its own health […]

Employee Wellness the L.L. Bean Way

Here’s a company that strives to balance safety, health, and wellness and provide total protection for its employees. Today, we’ll look at L.L. Bean’s wellness component. You probably know L.L. Bean as the label inside your favorite chamois shirt, durable tote bag, or resilient hiking boots. The iconic company has made and sold outdoor apparel […]

Safety Training Pays Off Every Minute

A commitment to safety and health training begins paying off right away and continues to pay off every minute of every workday. With millions of job-related accidents annually, someone is injured on the job in the United States about every 8 seconds. Most injuries are minor, and workers soon recover. However, some are permanent and […]

Why Safety Training Is a Good Investment

On average, there are nearly 4 million nonfatal workplace injuries every year, with more than 1 million resulting in lost workdays. Effective safety training can reduce injuries and illness, improve morale, and lower insurance costs. Safety training is one of those areas where shaving service or quality can have a seriously negative impact. For one […]

Training Adult Learners

More and more employees these days understand that to succeed in the workplace, they need to be lifelong learners. But as adults, they may learn differently than when they were students in school. Brain function and life circumstances change. For your part, to be an effective trainer, you need to be aware of the particular […]

Preventing Hot Work Deaths: CSB’s ’7 for Safety’

Yesterday, we described a case study involving a welding accident that occurred while an employee was working on a cracked fuel tank. Today, we focus on 7 safety recommendations involving welding, tanks, and flammable vapors. The U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) has identified over 60 fatalities since 1990 due to explosion and fires from hot […]

Hot Work Safety: The Case of the Cracked Fuel Tank

OSHA says that exposure to lead occurs in at least 120 different occupations. Overexposure to lead can result in serious illness and death. And according to a recent CDC study, occupational exposures are on the rise. Use this case study of a real welding accident to train your welders to prevent similar accidents. The employee […]

Confined Space Safety Q&A: Part II

Yesterday, we answered some important questions about confined space safety and regulatory compliance. Today, we continue with more Q&As and introduce a training tool that can help you answer employees’ questions about confined spaces. Are there certain items that we should have on standby when we enter a confined space? Yes, there are specific items […]

Questions About Confined Space Compliance? Find Answers Here

OSHA’s confined space standard is long and detailed and includes six appendices. OSHA compliance and the safety of confined space entrants depend on knowing exactly what the regulations require. Today and tomorrow, we offer a brief selection of questions about OSHA’s confined space requirements (29 CFR 1910. 146). These are questions that safety managers from […]