Category: Health and Wellness

The Health Risks of a Noisy Commute

That noisy ride to and from work on a commuter train may be more than annoying. It could be detrimental to your health, according to researchers at the University of Toronto. And trains aren’t the only problem. While most sounds you hear while walking, cycling, driving, or taking transit fall within safe levels, sudden bursts […]

Don’t Let Your CSR Efforts Put Volunteer Workers at Risk

As part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs, many employers encourage and enable workers to participate in volunteer opportunities in disaster-stricken areas. But before you sign off on letting a work crew head for Houston or Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands, make sure that you are not putting your workers’ health and […]

Is Volunteer Work Putting your Workers—and Your CSR Integrity—at Risk?

Providing your employees with volunteer opportunities can be an important part of your corporate social responsibility (CSR) and community engagement strategy. But if you aren’t careful, sending your employees into the community to do good things can pose unanticipated hazards. You don’t want to end up paying medical claims because a worker was injured while […]

Take a Deep Breath for Mental Health Awareness

Therapist and author Marianne Clyde says providing employees with quality mental health training is not just a compassionate move. It’s also a strategic business decision. Clyde points to research suggesting that happy employees are more engaged and more productive than other workers. University faculty members who meditated showed improvements in memory related to a reduction […]

Exposing the True Cost of Fatigue

Fatigue among workers is a hidden workplace issue affecting businesses throughout the United States. According to new research from the National Safety Council (NSC) and Brigham Health Sleep Matters Initiative, sleep disorders and sleep deficiency that result in exhausted workers costs employers millions each year in absenteeism, lost productivity, and healthcare costs—most are undiagnosed and […]

You Should Probably Sit Down for This EHS News … Literally

A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that people who primarily stand on the job are twice as likely as those who primarily sit to have a heart attack or congestive heart failure. It was disappointing news to those who have taken to standing while they work in the belief that they […]

CDC Calls Diabetes a ‘Growing Health Problem’

A new report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) finds that 9.4 percent of the population is living with diabetes. Another 84 million have prediabetes, a condition that often leads to type 2 diabetes within 5 years if not treated. The CDC says the rate of new cases remains steady, but […]

Use Vending Machines to Sell Workers on Safety and Wellness

When your workers go to the vending machines in their work area, they probably expect to be able to get a soda and a bag of chips. If your company is trying to encourage healthier food choices, workers may find bottled water and nuts instead. If you’re really looking to expand your workers’ options and […]

Fatigue Is a ‘Hidden but Deadly Epidemic’

A new survey of 2,000 working adults concludes that 43% of U.S. workers believe they are too tired to function safely at work. The alarming findings are revealed in a new National Safety Council (NSC) Report, Fatigue in the Workplace: Causes and Consequences of Employee Fatigue.

What Makes Workers Sick?

What makes workers sick? Or, more important, what makes workers feel like they are sick? A recent study from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) points to certain psychological factors when employees rated their own health.