Category: Personnel Safety

Important Reminders for National Ladder Safety Month

March is National Ladder Safety Month, an opportunity to review your policies, training, and equipment. Whether you’re a small service business with a couple of step stools around for lightbulb changes or a large contractor that uses complex climbing equipment, you’ll want to read on for the latest on ladders.

Hospitals: Where Many Go for Healing, Many Are Harmed

Hospitals are among the most dangerous workplaces in the country, averaging nearly seven work-related injuries and illnesses for every 100 full-time employees. That’s nearly twice the rate for private industry as a whole. Cases of nonfatal occupational injury and illness for healthcare workers are among the highest of any industry sector.

Suicide Risk Is High. Do Your Manager Know the Signs?

When we think about workplace violence, thoughts turn to shootings and other person-to-person violence. But suicide is also a serious risk. Keep reading for important information about the signs that an employee may be considering taking his or her own life and to find out which industry’s workers are especially at risk.

Q&A: Lighting in Confined Spaces

Recently, a subscriber asked the following question: Is there an OSHA requirement that if lighting and power requirements cannot be met by the use of battery lights, reduced voltage lighting at a maximum of 12 volts must be used?