Category: Personnel Safety

Tips for Working Safely in the Rain

Employees working in the rain face additional hazards, such as poor visibility and wet, slippery surfaces. Here are work practices that will help prevent accidents and injuries when working in the rain.

Cal/OSHA Indoor Heat Citations Upheld

In an unprecedented decision, the California Occupational Safety and Health Appeals Board recently ruled in favor of Cal/OSHA’s 2012 citations against two employers because their Injury and Illness Prevention Programs (IIPP) failed to effectively address the hazard of indoor heat. Keep reading to learn what the decision means for California employers.

Safety and Health for the Holiday Season

The period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s is full of joy and celebration. But from stress and germs to distraction and overindulgence, it’s also fraught with hazards that can leave your employees ill, injured, or dispirited.