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Trial Spotlights Deadly Toll of Asbestos

The high-profile prosecution of chemical manufacturer W.R. Grace and three of its executives underscored the dangers that asbestos poses to workers, communities, and the environment. After a hotly contested trial, a jury last month returned a not guilty verdict against W.R. Grace and three of its executives. The company and executives had been charged with […]

Week in Review, February 18, 2011

Note to Readers: This newsletter appears daily, but we know some don’t always have the time to read it everyday. For your convenience, here’s a re-publication of what we covered this past week. Daily, weekly, or anything in between, we’re pleased to keep you informed with the latest tips, news and advice on the profession. […]

Fall Fitness Training

It’s late November and your employees may still be feeling sluggish after their Thanksgiving Day festivities! This may be the perfect time for wellness training to help your employees stay in shape as the days get shorter. Today’s Advisor gives you some fitness tips to pass along. Point out to your workers that it’s easy […]

National Safety Month and Teen Driving Safety

June is National Safety Month, and this year’s week-by-week themes are as follows: June 7-13: Teen Driving Safety June 14-20: Preventing Overexertion at Work and at Home June 21-27: Dangers of Cell Phone Use While Driving June 28-30: Summer Safety   Teen Driving Safety is next week’s theme, so refresh your workers on the limits […]

What A Supervisor Needs To Know

Wouldn’t it be great to learn everything there is to know about preventing accidents at your worksite? Unfortunately, in these days of advancing technologies and new equipment and materials, it’s almost an impossible task. That’s why a supervisor should concentrate on acquiring, at a minimum, a good working knowledge of the following eleven building blocks […]

Train Workers to Get the Lead Out!

There are many serious health hazards associated with lead. However, with proper training and use of protective equipment, your workers can get the job done safely. Today’s Advisor gives you some basic training advice on working safely with lead. This information comes from BLR’s popular 7-Minute Safety Trainer session on “Lead Hazards and Precautions.” First, […]

Navigate Your Way Safely Through the Inspection/Enforcement Process

Here’s some information about inspections and enforcement actions that can help you successfully navigate your way around big problems and costly penalties. Since OSHA can’t inspect all 7 million workplaces it covers each year, it seeks to focuses its inspection resources on the most hazardous workplaces in the following order of priority: Imminent danger situations—hazards […]

IAQ: Protect Workers from Risk and Keep Them Comfortable

There’s no OSHA standard for it. And for the most part you can’t see it or touch it. But the potential risks are significant. We’re talking about indoor air quality (IAQ). What are the causes of unhealthful air? What are the effects on worker health and productivity? And what can you do to reduce the […]

Training Teen Workers

Teenagers have more accidents at work because they lack the experience to prevent them. As their supervisor, you can help make up for that by showing them how to do the job correctly and safely—and explaining clearly the risks of not following these steps. Don’t assume that a young person will understand what could go […]