
EHS on Tap Episode 7: Navigating the Proposed Pharmaceutical Rule

On this episode of EHS on Tap, we plunge into EPA’s proposed Pharmaceutical Rule and what this rule will mean for the overall health of our freshwater resources as well as the consequences to health care facilities. On this podcast, we speak with environmental attorney and legal expert, Summer Nastich with Nastich Law in Berkeley, […]

EHS on Tap Episode 6: Paying the Price with OSHA’s New Penalties

For the first time in 25 years, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, is increasing its penalty amounts. Employers could face civil penalties 78 percent greater than before. In an effort to boost compliance and deter safety violations, employers must demonstrate their commitment to safety… or pay the price. EHS on Tap is […]

EHS on Tap Episode 4: TSCA: The New Age of Chemical Reform

On this episode of EHS on Tap, we parse through the significant and recent legislative reform of the Toxic Substances Control Act, better known as TSCA, and what Congress’s action will mean for the future of chemical regulation. Don’t miss out on new podcasts. Follow EHS on Tap on SoundCloud and iTunes!

EHS on Tap Episode 3: The Ever-Changing Construction Site

On this episode of EHS on Tap, we discuss the constantly changing work environment for construction workers and the human response to site progress. We talk to construction and compliance experts Debbie Petrelle and Ana Ellington about this workplace phenomenon and the importance for construction workers and managers to practice good housekeeping on a daily […]

Video: OSHA’s Respirable Crystalline Silica Rule

OSHA finalized its rule on respirable crystalline silica in March, with phased-in compliance dates beginning in 2017. See BLR Legal Editor Ana Ellington discuss some background information on silica, the exposure and health risks associated with silica, workers and industries affected by the new rule, and specific provisions of the new silica rules.

TSCA Reform: A Simple 5-point Summary of What You Need to Know

After 40 years, the Toxics Substances Control Act (TSCA) has been reformed in an effort to more effectively manage chemicals in this country and give EPA more authority to evaluate and mitigate the associated risks. This infographic summarizes the important points of TSCA reform.

EHS on Tap Episode 2: What Hawkes Means for Wetland Determinations

On this episode, What Hawkes Means for Wetland Determinations, we speak with attorney and water expert, Stan Millan about the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision, Army Corps of Engineers v. Hawkes and what the ruling means for the future of wetland permitting.

TRI Reporting Essentials

The TRI reporting deadline is approaching. This infographic provides essential information to help determine if you need to report.