Back to Basics: Lone Worker Safety

Back to Basics is a weekly feature that highlights important but possibly overlooked information that any EHS professional should know. This week, we examine how to protect lone workers. If you have workers working alone or in remote areas, you need to ensure that they’re safe on the job. Lone workers include people who don’t work […]

ASSP Publishes Standard Addressing Heat Stress in Construction

The American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) has published the first national voluntary consensus standard addressing heat stress for workers in construction and demolition operations. “This new industry consensus standard is an important development because there is no federal regulation focused on heat stress,” said ASSP President Jim Thornton, CSP, CIH, FASSP, FAIHA, in a […]

ASSP’s Safety Podcast Tops 5,000 Downloads

The American Society of Safety Professionals’ (ASSP) The Case for Safety Podcast has surpassed 300,000 downloads over five years, the group announced December 11. The podcast series offers practical workplace safety and health guidance and updates for safety professionals worldwide. The ASSP’s safety podcast series debuted in September 2018, and the group has shared 123 […]

ASSP Updates Safety Standard for Communications Structures

The American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) has published a revision to its voluntary national consensus safety standard covering the latest safety practices and training recommendations for the construction, demolition, modification, and maintenance of communication structures. The updated ANSI/ASSP A10.48 standard will be effective on January 1, 2024. The digital standard establishes minimum criteria that […]

Secretary Su Joins ASSP to Unveil Triangle Shirtwaist Memorial

Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su will join American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) President Jim Thornton and New York Governor Kathy Hochul on October 11 to dedicate a memorial in New York City to the 146 garment workers killed in the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, the ASSP announced September 27. The ASSP was […]

ASSP, NSC React to Increase in Worker Fatalities

Two of the nation’s largest professional safety organizations—the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) and the National Safety Council (NSC)—reacted to a December 16 report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) that fatal workplace injuries increased in 2021. There were 5,190 fatal work injuries in the United States in 2021—an 8.9% increase from 4,764 […]

NIOSH, Partners Give Prevention Through Design Award

Dr. Georgi Popov was presented with the second annual Prevention through Design (PtD) Award in a virtual ceremony for his outstanding leadership in reducing workplace hazards through design methods, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and its partners, the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) and National Safety Council (NSC), announced October […]

ASSP Releases New Safety and Health Metrics Standard

The American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) has published a new voluntary consensus standard for measuring health and safety performance. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/ASSP Z16.1-2022, Safety and Health Metrics and Performance Measures, updates a standard (ANSI Z16.1) first released in the 1960s as “Method of Recording and Measuring Work Injury Experience.” The updated […]

ASSP, NSC: Pandemic May Have Curtailed Fatal Injuries

Professional safety groups pointed to pandemic disruptions including fewer hours worked and working from home, as contributing factors in the decline in fatal workplace injuries in 2020 reported last week by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The BLS announced a 10.7% decrease in fatal injuries with the release of its 2020 Census of Fatal […]

ASSP Publishes New and Revised Workplace Safety Standards

The American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) this week announced it has published several new and revised voluntary standards to help employers minimize occupational risks to workers. “Standards lead organizations big and small in the same direction to achieve safer and healthier workplaces,” said ASSP President Brad Giles, PE, CSP, STS, FASSP, GIOSH, in a […]