Tag: EHS

Survey Uncovers Challenges of EHS Trainers

A few years ago, BLR and the National Environmental, Safety and Health Training Association (NESHTA) surveyed 828 professionals involved in EHS training to profile their responsibilities and current training practices, and the challenges they must overcome to effectively train employees. Many of these issues still ring true and are more pressing, especially things like budgeting […]

Most Misunderstood Regs: The Mercury ‘Beyond-the-Floor’ Standard

Under the CAA’s maximum achievable control technology (MACT) approach to reducing emissions of air toxics, the MACT floor must be at least as stringent as the average emission limitation achieved by the best performing 12 percent of existing sources in the category (for which EPA has emissions information) or the best performing 5 sources for […]

Environmental Daily Advisor 2012 Compliance Outlook

In this Environmental Daily Advisor video, Advisor editor Kelly Lagana interviews Clare Condon, managing editor of compliance content at BLR. Questions discussed include the current regulation outlook, as well as environmental regulations EHS managers should expect to see proposed or finalized in 2012.

What to Expect from Multimedia Inspections

What is a multimedia inspection? In multimedia inspections, the regulatory authority evaluates a facility’s overall compliance with environmental control or safety programs, rather than assess facility compliance on a media-specific basis. Multimedia inspections may also address environmental or safety performance issues, such as pollution prevention, that offer safety or environmental benefits beyond what is required […]


Does EPA have any guidance for EPCRA Tier II reporting for tenant leased spaces? Who is responsible for reporting – the building owner or the tenant who has the hazardous chemicals in the leased space? We are not aware of any EPA guidance documents per se concerning Tier II reporting for leased spaces. However, EPA […]

Getting Organized and Other EHS Recordkeeping Tips

Surprise! Don’t get caught without the necessary records in the event of a surprise EPA or state agency inspection. Here are some tips for getting and keeping your records organized. Employee training records should be filed by date and topic. In an effort to keep employee records organized, most supervisors put employee training records in […]

Some Dos and Don’ts of EHS Recordkeeping

Dos DO talk to your legal counsel before destroying any records. Although federal and state law may require record retention for only a specific period (usually 3 to 5 years), DO talk to your legal counsel before destroying any records. For example, environmental experts advise that biennial reports be kept indefinitely as these reports provide […]