
9 MUSTs of Hazard Communication Training

Your hazcom training MUST include:

  1. An explanation of the hazard communication regulation and the requirements
  2. Locations of the areas in your workplace where hazardous chemicals live
  3. Locations of where the chemical inventory, MSDSs, written hazard evaluation procedures, and written communications program will be kept
  4. Descriptions of labeling systems
  5. How your hazcom program is implemented—including how to read labels and interpret an MSDS, and how employees can get a hold of and use that information
  6. The hazards of chemicals in the work area
  7. How employees can protect themselves
  8. How workers can detect the presence of a hazardous chemical
  9. How you are protecting the employees—these are engineering controls, work practices, and PPE that are available to the employee

Heads up–If an OSHA inspector suspects that your training might be inadequate, you can almost bet he’ll want to look over your company’s entire hazard communication program. Be on the safe side and check out Thursday’s issue that discusses things you might not know about hazard communication training.

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