When you can’t eliminate a hazard any other way, it’s your duty under the law to provide apparel or gear to protect the worker from that hazard.
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The U.S. Army Material Command (AMC) buys and maintains basically everything the army needs to operate. The saying goes, “If a soldier shoots it, drives it, flies it, wears it, communicates with it, or eats it, AMC provides it.”
Headquartered in Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, the AMC has a primarily civilian workforce of 70,000 people in all 50 states and in 150 countries. They work with everything from airplane parts to chemical weapons, paint, food, ammunition, and PPE.
Asked to share some of the AMC’s best PPE strategies, Doyle Wooten, acting safety director for AMC safety, lists the following:
- The command relies heavily on job hazard analysis. Every job in the army has a series of tasks, standards, and conditions, and PPE is considered part of the conditions.
- The Corpus Christi Army Depot (a Voluntary Protection Program Star site) has a PPE “store” where employees can see various types of safety gloves, hard hats, coveralls, and other items. Employees can try out items to help decide which they prefer to use.
Meet your OSHA-required 8-, 24-, or 40-hour HAZWOPER training requirements with a DVD that contains 17 customizable PowerPoint® presentations and a manual training kit. Click here for details.
- Safety managers welcome comments and suggestions about protective gear. If an employee needs something better or different, it will be provided.
- Even in the field (including in theaters of war), every effort is made to comply with rules about wearing and using PPE.
- If an employee is found in violation of PPE rules, an AMC safety manager will typically write a citation that notes the violated rules, such as army and/or OSHA regulations. (The army, like most federal agencies, can be cited but not fined by OSHA.)
- Army leaders visiting a worksite to conduct a walk-through or audit are outfitted in PPE just like the employees whose work they are reviewing.
- PPE is an ongoing topic for the army safety councils (safety committees). Members address near misses prevented by wearing the proper PPE, and the content of these discussions is shared throughout the Command.
PPE is the last line of defense after engineering controls, work practices, and administrative controls have been exhausted. OSHA estimates that more than 20,000 workplace injuries could be avoided each year with proper use of PPE.
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Protect Your Workers with PPE and Training
If you’re looking for high-quality, highly effective HAZWOPER training materials, you are looking for BLR’s HAZWOPER Training Program. This unique program includes 17 customizable PowerPoint training presentations on DVD, a 200+page HAZWOPER training manual with tests, handouts, and an electronic version on CD-ROM! The handy outline tells you exactly what to present and when to meet either the 8-, 24-, or 40-hour requirements!
With this program, you’ll:
- Meet the 8-, 24-, and 40-hour HAZWOPER training requirements. Combine this comprehensive library with hands-on training to meet the 40-hour HAZWOPER training requirements.
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- Save time and money with ready-to-use and accurate training materials.
- Ensure your training is effective. Employees will learn how to recognize, properly handle, and dispose of hazardous materials with this invaluable HAZWOPER safety training.
The DVD includes:
- Identifying Hazardous Materials
- Hazardous Waste Introductory Training
- Safe Chemical Handling
- Respiratory Protection
- HAZWOPER: On-Site Safety Considerations
- Hazardous Waste Emergency Response
- HAZWOPER Facility Operations
- HAZWOPER First Awareness Level
- HAZWOPER: Medical Surveillance Program
- Understanding Chemicals Under GHS
- PPE for Emergency Response
- HAZWOPER: Donning/Doffing/Decontamination
- Hazardous Materials Spill Cleanup
- Working Safely with Flammable Liquids
- Fire Extinguishers
- Emergency Action and Fire Prevention
- Hazard Communication and GHS: What Employees Need to Know
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