As the temperature rises, make sure your workers stay healthy and avoid heat stress.
Any work environment with high temperature and high humidity, where physical work is being performed, is a prime breeding ground for heat-related illness. But you need to take into account other factors as well.
For example, working around hot equipment or processes that generate heat adds to the effect of the temperature in the outside environment, compounding the heat stress workers face. So does stale, stagnant air, or a hot wind. And workers who have to wear hot, heavy PPE and protective clothing on the job are also at greater risk of heat illness.
Acclimatization is another important issue. It can take a worker 5 to 7 days to become conditioned to working in the heat. When a sudden heat wave strikes, employees don’t have time to get used to the heat, and that makes them more susceptible to heat sickness.
Consider individual factors, too. For example, older workers are often at greater risk than younger workers. So are employees who are overweight, pregnant, physically unfit, inadequately rested, or sick. And workers who’ve consumed alcohol after work are more likely to be dehydrated the next day and are therefore more susceptible to heat illness.
Think you have no time to train? Think again. BLR’s 7-Minute Safety Trainer helps you fulfill key OSHA-required training tasks in as little as 7 minutes. Try it at no cost and see!
How to Keep Workers Safe and Healthy
There’s a lot you and your company’s supervisors can do to reduce the risk of heat-related safety and health problems. OSHA recommends these simple precautions:
- Consider a worker’s physical fitness to work in a hot environment.
- Use engineering controls such as ventilation and spot-cooling by local exhaust to keep workers cool.
- Have employees work in pairs to reduce stress and so that they can keep an eye on each other’s physical condition.
- Provide plenty of drinking water and encourage workers to drink fluids throughout their shift.
- Avoid scheduling the heaviest work on the hottest days or at the hottest time of the day.
- Alternate work and rest periods in very hot weather, making sure workers have a cool, shady place to take their breaks.
- Provide more frequent breaks for employees who have to wear hot, heavy PPE or protective clothing, or who work around heat-generating equipment and processes.
- Monitor temperatures and check on workers regularly to make sure they are successfully coping with the heat. Look for symptoms of heat stress.
- Train workers to recognize and treat the signs of heat illness.
The combination of heat, humidity, and human labor can be deadly. That’s why you and your employees need to take precautions to prevent heat-related accidents and illness. You’ll not only be keeping your workers safe and healthy, you’ll also be keeping them on the job where you need them, even on the hottest days this summer.
Can you picture safety training in effective, 7-minute sessions? Get the details.
Cool Training at a Phenomenal Price
To help train employees in a broad range of safety and health topics, savvy safety professionals have for years relied on the BLR® 7-Minute Safety Trainer. This essential training resource allows you to provide concise, memorable training easily and effectively in just a few minutes. Materials are ready-to-use, and each session supplies a detailed trainer’s outline as well as a handout, quiz, and quiz answers to get your points across quickly—and cost-effectively.
All told, this “trainer’s bible” contains 50 prewritten meetings covering almost every aspect of safety you’d want or need to train on, in a format designed to be taught in as little as 7 minutes. Major topics include:
—Confined spaces
—Electrical safety
—Fire safety and emergency response
—Machine guarding and lockout/tagout
—Material handling
—PPE use and care
—Housekeeping/slips, trips, and falls
—and dozens more
Just make as many copies as you need of the included handouts and quizzes, and you’re ready to train.
Equally important is that the program ships new meetings every quarter to respond to new and changed regulations. This service is included in the program price, which averages just over $1 a working day. In fact, this is one of BLR’s most popular safety programs.
If you’d like to personally evaluate 7-Minute Safety Trainer and see how it can build safety awareness, we’ll be happy to send it to you for 30 days on a no-cost, no-obligation trial basis. Just let us know, and we’ll arrange it.