In 2008 and 2009, 12 construction workers died in an 18-month period on the Las Vegas Strip. An investigation by the Las Vegas Sun revealed that Nevada OSHA inspectors were simply failing to enforce existing safety standards.
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Its report led not only to a damning investigation of Nevada’s state-run OSHA program but also to hearings in the U.S. House and Senate and a thorough review by federal OSHA of all 25 state-run OSHA programs, including Cal/OSHA.
Federal OSHA’s reports on deficiencies in state-run OSHA programs were published in September 2010. Cal/OSHA has been working steadily ever since to address federal OSHA’s criticisms—including a criticism that Cal/OSHA had too narrowly drawn the criteria for “repeat” citations and criticisms of Cal/OSHA’s appeals process. Keep reading to find out what has changed.
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