
Give Employees a Hand with Hand Safety

Hands are the most vulnerable part of the body for most workers because the hands do so much of the work and there are so many ways to injure hands in most workplaces. A material handler cuts his hand with a box cutter. An office worker burns her hand trying to clear a paper jam […]

How Far Must You Go to Ensure the Safety of an Independent Contractor’s Employees?

This content was originally published in February 2000. For the latest in safety management, visit our archives or try our online compliance portal, After an employee of National Meat Processors, Inc. (NMP) was killed when the machine he was cleaning unexpectedly started up, management decided to contract out the cleaning operation to an outside […]

Is The Company Responsible When an Employee Is Stalked by an Ex-Employee?

This content was originally published in January 2000. For the latest in safety management, visit our archives or try our online compliance portal, Supervisor Erin Slade felt she had no choice but to fire Bruce Makin after he threatened a co-worker with a gun in the employee break room of Main Property Insurance Company. […]

Effective E-Learning

E-learning is a versatile and highly effective form of training. What is e-learning? It is training that is delivered electronically via the Internet or an intranet. Unlike traditional training, the trainer and the trainees do not need to be in the same room. E-learning can be self-directed, with trainees working alone, scheduling their own training. […]

Week in Review, February 18, 2011

Note to Readers: This newsletter appears daily, but we know some don’t always have the time to read it everyday. For your convenience, here’s a re-publication of what we covered this past week. Daily, weekly, or anything in between, we’re pleased to keep you informed with the latest tips, news and advice on the profession. […]

Emergency Action Plans: What’s in Them and Who Needs to Know?

Yesterday, we reviewed the purpose of OSHA-required emergency action plans, how to develop one, and who needs to have one. Today, we cover what should be included in your EAP and how to communicate this information to employees. At a minimum, OSHA requires EAPs to include: Means of reporting fires and other emergencies Emergency procedures […]

New Limits on Toxic Chemicals in Drinking Water Proposed

The Obama administration announced last week that it would set limits on permissible levels of a new set of toxic chemicals in drinking water. These standards will now include perchlorate, a toxic compound used in rocket fuel, which has been found in water supplies in 26 states.  The nation’s clean water laws have not kept […]

Take Action on Emergency Action

You never know when a workplace emergency will strike. Be prepared with an effective EAP. OSHA says the purpose of an emergency action plan (EAP) is to facilitate and organize employer and employee actions during workplace emergencies. This means that a well-developed EAP is essential for the safety of employees. It’s also essential for regulatory […]

Free Report from the Safety Daily Advisor: The 5 Deadly Forklift Dangers

The Safety Daily Advisor® announced today the release of a free white paper for safety professionals, “The Five Deadly Forklift Dangers,” which will help safety professionals educate their employees on proper forklift operations. “Each year, nearly 100 workers are killed, and another 20,000 seriously injured during forklift related incidents,” said Safety Daily Advisor editor Peter […]

The Flip Side of Top 10: OSHA Cooperative Programs

Yesterday, we highlighted OSHA’s 2010 Top 10 list. Today, we talk about OSHA cooperative programs, which can help you avoid citations and penalties as well as achieve other important benefits. On the flip side of OSHA’s Top 10 and other enforcement actions there’s a whole different world of regulatory compliance—the carrot rather than the stick. […]