
Don’t throw away those instructions!

Please read through all the instructions before using this product. How many times have you read that line in the instruction booklet of a new assembly required toy, gadget, or software application—and then skimmed over the rest of the directions? How many hours later did you get the toy assembled—or the software working smoothly with […]

Hand-held v. Hands-free Cell Phones

A National Highway Safety Administration (NHSTA) report found that at least 25% of motor vehicle crashes are distraction related. Distraction refers to the diversion of attention away from the primary task of driving due to other activities. Examples of distraction include animals, eating/drinking, reading, cell phones, passengers, rubber-necking, children, radio, texting, and smoking. These distractions […]

Party Platters Could Make You Sick

With the holiday season upon us, there may be a danger lurking among those cold cuts and pates. Listeriosis is an illness caused by eating foods contaminated with listeria monocytogenes, bacteria found in soil and water. Ready-to-eat foods also can become contaminated within the processing plant, after processing, or along the route from plant to […]

Huddle Up for Safety!

Read about a VPP site that is committed to safety and demonstrates that commitment every day. At Cherry Aerospace, a global leader in the design and manufacture of fastening systems for the aerospace industry, the key to safety and health success is a direct approach to hazard elimination. Risks are found and fixed with employees […]

Young Workers at Risk: Underskilled, Unaware, and Vulnerable

When you’re young you think you’re invulnerable. Accidents and injuries happen to other people, not you. And that’s exactly the kind of thinking that makes young workers so vulnerable to workplace accidents. Consider these disturbing facts about young workers and safety: Young workers (under age 25) were twice as likely to be injured on the […]

How to Write First-Rate Incident Reports

A complete and accurate accident report provides the information you need to eliminate hazards and protect workers from future accidents. An incident report needs to include all the essential information about the accident or near-miss. The report-writing process begins with fact finding and ends with recommendations for preventing future accidents. You may use a special […]

The Why, Who, What, When, and How of Accident Investigation

Accident prevention often begins with accident investigation. You can’t prevent accidents if you don’t know what caused them. Nobody wants a workplace accident. Not you. Not your insurer. Not supervisors. Not employees. Not the families of injured workers. But when an accident does happen, it’s important to handle the investigation promptly and effectively. To do […]

The Best-Laid Plans

Effective safety training programs that result in safe behavior by workers require proper assessing and planning. First, you need to determine what training is required. Regarding OSHA regulations, the need for training is often implied, rather than specifically required. For example, the General Housekeeping Standard (29 CFR 1910.22) says that “all places of employment” must […]

Evaluate Your Computer Workstations for Safety and Comfort

Yesterday, we presented the first part of OSHA’s computer workstation safety checklist. Today, we conclude with the rest of the checklist and some important information about BLR’s Safety Audit Checklists. WORK AREA—Is the work area designed or arranged for doing computer tasks so that the user’s: Thighs have sufficient clearance space between the top of […]

Computer Work Giving Your Employees a Pain? Here’s Some Relief

Check out this workstation safety checklist to help prevent MSDs among employees who spend long hours at the computer. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) like carpal tunnel are a problem for employees who work all day on a computer. Risk factors include primarlly: Repetition—the daily and lengthy use of a keyboard and mouse or trackpad Awkward postures—extending […]