Category: Special Topics in Safety Management

Safety is a process, and as such, needs to be managed. This section offers resources to create a viable safety program, sell it to senior management, train supervisors and employees in using it, and then track and report your progress. Look also for ways to advance your own skills in these areas, both for your current job, and those that follow.

Free Special Report: 50 Tips for More Effective Safety Training

Healthy Worker Lunch

Improve Your Health Culture to Promote a Healthy Workplace

Workers who are healthier are more productive, use less sick leave, and decrease your medical costs. They also tend to be less accident-prone. But workers’ health is not something you control; it’s something they have to take responsibility for on their own. Workplace wellness programs are all about supporting workers’ own commitment to their health, […]

Lockout tagout, LOTO

Are Your LOTO and Machine Guarding Practices Compliant?

Does your safety program effectively protect workers when they are exposed to moving machine parts and hazardous energy? The machine guarding and lockout/tagout (LOTO) standards are consistently on the list of the top 10 most frequently cited OSHA standards—read on for a Q&A on the basics, as well as an opportunity to join our live […]

Older driver

An Aging Workforce: Keep Older Drivers Safe

America’s aging population includes many people over the age of 55 who drive to and from work and have jobs that require driving. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) estimates that by 2020, 25 percent of workers will be aged 55 or older, and there will be 40 million licensed drivers. Also, […]

Forced labor

DOL Report Details Child and Forced Labor Worldwide

The U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) notes that some of modern society’s most coveted goods are produced by child and forced labor. For example, there is evidence of child labor or forced labor in sugarcane and coffee harvesting in a combined 25 countries worldwide; children in the Democratic Republic […]

Foot protection

How Can You Boost Your Foot Protection Program?

A lot of employers have questions about what specific footwear would work best in their foot protection programs. Experts at® recently answered two questions on the subject—see what they had to say, plus download a free guide from Tingley to learn more on how to put your program on the right footing!


Recommendations to Alleviate the Stresses of Firefighting

According CareerCast’s 2018 annual survey of the most stressful occupations, firefighting ranks second only to working in the military. The survey found support in an October 2017 report by two researchers with the Health Hazard Evaluation Program (HHEP) of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), who examined many occupational stresses firefighters experienced […]

House kitchen fire

Massachusetts Explosions, Fires Highlight the Costs of Faulty Equipment

Late last week, a series of explosions across several towns in Massachusetts resulted in one fatality and several injuries. The incident, its aftermath, and the resulting investigations and lawsuits are a reminder of the costliness of failing to conduct proper maintenance and monitoring of equipment to ensure its safe operation and performance.

Online Economy

The Online Platform Economy Offers Few Worker Safety Protections

The online platform economy is an exploding phenomenon, which means the number of people performing work through the platform is also growing at an extraordinary rate. It is also clear that workers in the online platform economy are rarely protected by regulation, and therefore, the hazards to which they are exposed are often more severe […]

Construction v. Maintenance

Do you know the difference between what is considered construction or maintenance? The type of work performed dictates what standards you need to follow. Use this infographic to find out if your task is considered construction or maintenance.