5 Safe Driving Tips
Did you know April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month? Safety.BLR.com, our partner site, created an infographic highlighting 5 simple steps to help you become a safer, more focused, driver.
Did you know April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month? Safety.BLR.com, our partner site, created an infographic highlighting 5 simple steps to help you become a safer, more focused, driver.
All employers required to keep injury and illness records are impacted by OSHA’s recent workplace injuries and illnesses rule, which requires certain employers to electronically submit data and prohibits employers from discouraging workers from reporting an injury or illness. Many believe the antiretaliation provision of the rule will be eliminated as soon as OSHA leadership […]
What does President Trump’s Executive Order directing federal agencies to repeal two regulations for every new one issued mean for the EPA? With the Administration’s promise to roll back most of EPA’s regulations and many in Congress calling for the agency to be eliminated entirely, the future of EPA regulations is of top interest to […]
Keep your workers safe. Here are 11 tips for handling hazardous materials. Don’t become a target for one of these avoidable citations! Join us on March 29 for an in-depth webinar presented by Meaghan Boyd, a seasoned environmental litigation partner at Alston & Bird, as she discusses best practices for hazardous materials transportation. You’ll learn: […]
Violence in the workplace is an important safety and health issue, one that is too often overlooked or ignored. In many cases, a violent incident can be avoided, because occurrences are often preceded by warning signs.
Here are 22 questions to help focus efforts on identifying and controlling hazards when you conduct a job hazard analysis (JHA). Note that the list is not complete. You will need to think carefully about the tasks and sub-tasks of each job you analyze and the particular hazards they present. Then you can add or […]
OSHA announced its silica final rule last spring and it immediately received criticism from industry groups. These groups call the standard unobtainable and very costly, and claim that the rule isn’t really necessary to improve worker safety. But is the rule too costly? Is the standard impossible to meet with current technology? On this episode, […]
According to OSHA, lost productivity from workplace injuries and illnesses costs U.S. businesses $60 billion a year!
The Tier II reporting deadline is approaching. This infographic provides essential information to help you determine if you need to report, along with some helpful tips for preparing and submitting a Tier II report.
On this episode of EHS on Tap, we will discuss stormwater management and the costs associated with stormwater. We will also take a close look at the EPA’s recent Municipal Permit Remand Rule and the Construction General Permit and what these regulations mean for businesses, municipalities, and communities. Emily Remmel, JD, speaks with Seth Brown, […]