Tag: Washington State

Back to Basics: Controlling Safety, Health Hazards of Wildfires

Back to Basics is a weekly feature that highlights important but possibly overlooked information that any EHS professional should know. This week, we examine how to control the health hazards of wildfires. Active wildfires and recovery and cleanup work following a fire pose unique hazards for workers. The health effects of wildfire smoke can range from […]

Making Sense of Washington’s New Health Emergency Labor Standards Act

Washington State has adopted the Health Emergency Labor Standards Act (HELSA), a sweeping worker protection bill passed by the state legislature. The Act amends the state’s workers’ compensation and industrial health and safety statutes to provide automatic protections for certain workers and to impose new notification and reporting requirements on employers in the event of a public […]

Washington State Unveils New Heat Exposure Rules

As extreme heat continues to punish much of the U.S., states are enacting additional rules to require employers to increase protections for outdoor workers. One such state is Washington, which on July 13 released emergency heat exposure rules for employees exposed to extreme heat, including those working in agriculture, construction, and other outdoor industries. The […]

Wildfire smoke in Washington state

Wildfire Smoke Rule in Development in Washington State

The Washington Department of Labor and Industries is developing a wildfire smoke standard. The department acknowledged receiving a petition to initiate a rulemaking for wildfire smoke exposures.

Washington State

Washington State’s Indirect Emitter Regulation Found Invalid

In a 5-to-4 decision, the Supreme Court of Washington State upheld a ruling by a lower court that found that the state’s Department of Ecology (Ecology) exceeded its statutory authority by promulgating a regulation that imposed greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions standards on indirect emitters of those gases. According to the majority, the “plain language” of […]