Category: Personnel Safety

Sulfur dioxide molecular structure

Sulfur Dioxide Permissible Exposure Limits: OSHA vs. NIOSH

The combustion of fossil fuels accounts for 75% to 85% of emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2), but the chemical is also generated by multiple industrial activities, including the manufacture of hydrosulfites and other sulfur-containing chemicals; to bleach wood pulp and paper; to process, disinfect, and bleach food; for waste and water treatment in metal and […]

Preventing Industrial ‘Blind Spot’ Accidents with Safety Mirrors

Though many types of safety equipment exist, one of the most effective and economical approaches is preventing collisions with special industrial safety mirrors and domes that are shatter resistant, weatherproof, and can be customized to fit the unique needs of the industrial environment.

Prevent violence

OSHA’s Take on Preventing Workplace Violence

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has no standard or regulation specifically addressing workplace violence, but employers’ responsibility to address violence is covered under the General Duty Clause of the federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. And that means employers need to be ready for the agency’s inspection and enforcement efforts.

Cal/OSHA Urges Protection Against Hepatitis A Virus

After outbreaks reported in San Diego, Santa Cruz, and Los Angeles counties, Cal/OSHA is encouraging employers whose workers are at risk of exposure to the hepatitis A virus to review preventive measures posted online.

Are Your Workers Exposed to Opioids on the Job?

As the nation combats a general opioid epidemic, the needs of first responders and other workers exposed to these hazardous substances must not be forgotten. That’s the message of comments submitted by the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) to a presidential commission on combating drug addiction and the opioid crisis.

tired warehouse worker

8 Tips to Ensure Shift Worker Safety

You may find it tough to climb out of bed some days, especially on dark, early-fall mornings. But for shift workers, sleep disruption can be a daily challenge. Working while your body wants to sleep has been linked to a variety of physical and psychological health issues, especially for those who change shifts.

On-the-Job Risks Faced by Nurses

It’s ironic but true. Health care is one of the most dangerous professions in this country. It’s also one of the largest, employing 18 million people and growing. Hospital workers experience about twice as many job-related illnesses and injuries as private industry workers.

Nurses Group Wants Action After Police Incident

You probably recall the incident in which a Salt Lake City Police Department officer forcibly arrested a nurse who refused to let the officer take blood from an unconscious patient. Now, the American Nurses Association (ANA) is calling on the department to conduct a full investigation, make amends to the nurse, and take action to […]

Workplace Violence: How to Deal with Conflicting Ideological Beliefs

BLR’s Workplace Violence Prevention Symposium will be in Savannah, Georgia, March 6 and 7, 2018. The conference, geared to both HR and safety professionals, will focus on tactical strategies for reducing the risk of security breaches, workplace violence, and legal liabilities through powerful keynotes, sessions, and workshops.