Tag: mining

Groups Sue Over Delay in EPA Response to Arizona Mining Permit Objections

A coalition of environmental and community groups have filed suit against the EPA due to its delay in responding to objections filed in a petition over an Arizona air pollution permit for a new heavy metals mine in the Patagonia Mountains south of Tucson, Arizona. The lawsuit, Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) and Patagonia Area […]

Time to Prepare for the Trump Wave of Change in EPA Regulations: Part 2

Regulated industry is breathing a collective sigh of relief with Donald Trump’s win of a second term as president of the United States, knowing deregulation is certainly on the way. Having already seen one Trump administration in action, it’s fairly easy to predict some expected changes in environmental policy that will result from a Trump […]

OSHA and MSHA, mining safety PPE

OSHA and MSHA: Do You Know the Difference?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the Mine Safety and Health Administration (known as OSHA and MSHA, respectively) are two federal agencies with similar missions of regulating and enforcing workplace safety in the United States. But that doesn’t mean that the relationship between the two entities should be viewed with a “to-may-to, to-mah-to” level […]

Menominee River

Tribe Effort to Invalidate Dredge-and-Fill Permit Fails

Attempts by the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin to invalidate a Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404 (dredge and fill) permit the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) granted Aquila Resources Inc. for a mining project on a portion of the Menominee River were unsuccessful in both a federal district court and the U.S. Court […]

Ear plugs, hearing protection

Oil and Gas, Mining Workers Vulnerable to Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is prevalent in workers in the mining and oil and gas extraction sectors, researchers have found. At least 25% of workers in many industries and as much as 30% of workers in others had hearing loss, according to a recently published report.

Hard-rock mining

Hard-Rock Mining Not Subject to Financial Responsibility Rule

If a federal agency proposes a regulation and then subsequently declines to promulgate that regulation, is the second action arbitrary and capricious because it is not a “logical outgrowth” of the proposal, that is, because the option not to regulate is not sufficiently discussed in the proposal?

uranium on periodic table

Proposed Uranium Mining Standard Pulled by EPA

In its latest maneuver to shrink the regulatory legacy of the Obama administration, the EPA is withdrawing a proposal that would have imposed standards on the generation of byproduct materials associated with uranium and thorium in situ recovery (ISR).