
Stay up-to-date on the latest episodes from the EHS Daily Advisor podcast network.

Marijuana and opioids, drug use

EHS on Tap: E43 Safety in the Stoned Age: Discerning ‘Impairment’ from ‘Under the Influence’

More and more states are legalizing traditionally illegal substances such as marijuana, and legal substances such as alcohol or prescription medication still have a high potential for abuse. It’s a special concern for environment, health, and safety professionals, as on-the-job use or abuse of any drug can potentially have devastating, even life-threatening consequences. However, safety […]

EPA Headquarters

EHS on Tap: E42 A Patchwork of Regulations: Environmental Compliance in the Trump Era

Today’s regulatory landscape can be confusing to say the least for environment, health, and safety professionals, especially when it comes to environmental compliance. The Trump administration has pursued an overall deregulatory agenda at the federal level while emphasizing compliance assistance over enforcement; however, this is at the same time that more stringent regulations are being […]

EHS on Tap: E41 The Art of Training Engagement: Black Belt Insights from the Safety Training Ninja

We’re very excited about the EHS Daily Advisor’s upcoming 2019 Safety Summit, and we hope you are, too! Our latest annual event promises a wide variety of topics and speakers covering all safety aspects from compliance to culture, and among the issues we’ll be covering is one that is a constant concern for EHS professionals […]

Violence and substance abuse

EHS on Tap: E40 Understanding the Links between Workplace Violence and Substance Abuse

The threat from workplace violence is very real, and employers simply can’t afford to ignore it. Hopefully you already have a workplace violence prevention program in place, and if not, you’re steadily working toward implementing one. The issue is multifaceted, touching upon everything from active shooters to coworker conflict to domestic violence spillover. Our guest […]

safety training technology, microlearning

EHS on Tap: E39 Microlearning: Techniques to Jumpstart Your EHS Training Programs

Good training is the cornerstone of every successful environment, health, and safety program. However, it can be a challenge to ensure that your trainees engage with, absorb, and—perhaps most importantly—retain the information you need to communicate to them. There are plenty of methods and tools out there that aim to maximize adult learning, and one […]

EHS on Tap: E38 Connected Safety: The Digital Transformation of EHS

There are a lot of exciting innovations popping up in the field of environment, health, and safety, and the technological revolution shows no signs of slowing down. What does this interconnectedness of safety functions, what we might call the digital transformation of EHS, mean for you? We have two guests today to talk to us […]

Worker with protective headphones

EHS on Tap: E37 Now Hear This—Hearing Conservation Beyond PPE

It’s one of the most instantly recognizable hazards when you step onto many worksites—noise. A lot of us tend to think, well, just use some PPE, and that’s that. However, there’s much more to a hearing conservation program than meets the eye, or, shall we say, meets the ear. What are some of the things […]

Safety Data

EHS on Tap: E36 What is Return on Safety?

We all know that protecting employees from safety and environmental hazards is just the right thing to do, but business needs cannot be ignored. Going beyond compliance, how can an EHS manager demonstrate to business stakeholders the return on investment of their efforts—or, to put it another way, what is the return on safety in […]

Safety Culture 2018

EHS on Tap: E35 Safety Culture: There’s an App for That!

When we talk about safety culture, often the focus is on soft skills—things like effective leadership, good communication, management and employee buy-in, and so forth. However, what many EHS managers may be overlooking in their day-to-day efforts to build safety culture is the role of technology. Are you leveraging new innovations to build the best […]

EHS on Tap: E34 Safety Culture: The Balance Between Coach and Cop

If you’re an EHS professional, your organization’s safety culture must be a major focus—but a strong culture can be tricky to build. Sure, it’s easy to say that you want a safety culture built on inspiration, not fear, and that the goal is for employee engagement in safety to be positively pursued, not mandated. But […]