Category: Personnel Safety

Q&A: Gauze as Biohazardous Waste

We recently received the following question from a customer: I work in a warehouse. If an employee has an accident and a the trained responder wore latex gloves, patted the blood away with gauze pads, and placed a large bandage on the wound, is this considered biohazardous waste?

School Leaders Share Valuable Safety Lessons

When you think of hazardous work, thoughts turn to manufacturing, agriculture, mining, and construction. Jokes about paper cuts notwithstanding, the typical school seems relatively free of risk compared to these environments, right? Maybe not.

We’re Stacking Up Ways to Reduce Warehouse Risk

With more than 360,000 people employed at 16,000 warehouses and storage facilities in the United States, warehouses play a critical role in the flow of goods and services that fuel our economy. But the work can be hazardous, and vigilance is required. This Compliance Report reviews the hazards and solutions, with the focus on tips […]

Q&A: Climbing Ladders

Recently, a subscriber asked us the following question: Is there a requirement for using rungs versus rails when climbing on fixed vertical ladders or portable step/extension ladders?

Don’t Just Stand By! Bystander Intervention Can Stop Workplace Violence in Its Tracks

On January 18, 2015, Peter Jonsson and Carl-Frederik Arndt, graduate students at Stanford University, were riding their bikes across campus at about 1 a.m. As they rode through an alley, they saw something disturbing: a man on top of a woman next to a dumpster. The woman was unconscious. The two students yelled at the […]

OSHA, NIOSH Seeking Innovation in Hearing Protection

Together with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), OSHA is challenging inventors and entrepreneurs to help develop a technological solution to workplace noise exposure and related hearing loss.

NIOSH Seeks to Reduce Risks for Home-Based Health Workers

Healthcare workers in home settings face a variety of safety and health risks, but they often lack access to programs offered to those in traditional settings. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is offering a web-based curriculum that focuses on practical solutions. Keep reading for details.

OSHA Tips for Heat Exposure

By John E. Hall With much of the country in line for more high temperatures as summer winds down, employers should be mindful of employees’ exposure to heat hazards on the job. Although the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has no heat standard, the agency has become increasingly willing to cite employers for employees’ […]